Patient Reviews
Sleeve Gastrectomy Patient
I am now 11stone 9 meaning from my highest weight I have lost over 13 stone. And this is all thanks to you!! I had tried for years and years since I was 15 years old to lose Weight trying every diet going. I was depressed, tired, miserable my whole body ached each night. I knew I couldn’t carry on this way I have 3 children and I just wasn’t healthy enough to make it through the days. I was in a long term unhappy relationship I was really just stuck in a rut just getting through each day.
It was a big decision to have this operation. I had no support from family and friends and all I heard was horror stories and about ‘easy way out’ but I knew I had 3 young children who needed me to be fitter and healthier and happier for them and things had to change. And I had exhausted every other option.
Well… 2 years later. And it’s the BEST decision I have ever made! My whole life had changed. I feel confident and happy people say I look 10 years younger. I go out of my way to speak to people now instead of shying away. I’m in a new relationship with a man (10 years younger haha). I’m doing my dream job as cabin crew. I can run around with my kids even go down water slides on holiday (I cried like a baby when I first did that I was so happy, people thought I was mad haha) my 14 year old son can pick me up and swing me around. But what makes me the happiest is I have probadly added alot more years to my life.
If anyone is thinking about having this operation my advice would be to go for it. 2 years on I can eat what I like however it’s reset my eating habits I have learned nutrition and health benefits of food. This operation is not a quick easy fix it does take hard work. It’s a tool!! I still have restriction and its a reminder of my old habits as if I eat to fast I can be sick. But it gave me a big kick start for me to work with.
Dr Madhok you not only operated on me you changed my life. I will be forever greatful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Gastric Bypass Patient
Thank u so much for everything that you did for me during my surgery. It has completely changed my life. Nobody even recognises me now (even family)
When I first came to see u I struggled walking and could barely breathe properly. I had been poorly and was recovering from cancer. I had no energy and I hated myself. I hated going out or talking to people. I’d only have pictures taken from the waist up or if I had something in front of me and I had no confidence what so ever. If friends were going to theme parks I’d make excuses cos I knew I wouldn’t fit on the rides
It has been just over 1 year since you did my surgery and I am a few pounds away from losing 13 stones!
- I love having my picture taking now
- I can not only walk further I run on the beach
- I joined the gym and swam daily
- I went on fairground rides for the first time this year and fit
- I now only need a size 12/14
I genuinely believe you saved my life I’m still working on the food but am so much happier and healthier than I have ever been it’s by no means easy but it is the best thing I could have done.
Gallbladder Removal Patient
I cannot thank Mr Madhok enough for how he has handled my case.
I had been experiencing gall stone pain periodically for 3 years. About every 4 months I would have a painful episode but buried my head in the sand after each bout, hoping it would go away, as the thought of surgery terrified me.
At the end of March 2020, I was admitted to hospital under the care of Mr. Madhok. Due to the Covid-19 virus, only emergency, life threatening operations were allowed, so I could not have my gall bladder removed at that time. I was given treatment over my 8 day stay and sent home to recover from a bad case of Cholecystitis.
Mr Madhok advised me to alter my diet until surgery could be performed. He also provided me with a contact number for his secretary, should I have any problems in the meantime – you have no idea how re-assuring it was to have this number (though thankfully not needed)!!
In August, Mr Madhok contacted me to say that he could operate and we started the process of appointments, pre-op checks etc. Mr Madhok was extremely thorough in his explanation of what would happen and took time to answer my questions and provide re-assurance.
I had my operation at the Nuffield Hospital, Derby on the 1st October 2020. Whilst it was quite a nerve-racking experience going into hospital alone (due to Covid-19 restrictions), all the staff were wonderful. They made sure I was settled in my room and chatted to put me at ease. Nothing was too much trouble for them.
Mr. Madhok came to see me before the operation to see if I had any questions. He has a very calming nature and his confidence made me feel I was in good hands.
Mr. Madhok spoke to me in ‘Recovery’ as soon as I came out of theatre to re-assure me the operation had gone well and the next day he came to see me. He was very attentive and considerate, updating me at every stage.
After surgery, Mr. Madhok again reminded me of the recovery time and how your body adjusts to having no gall bladder. My recovery seemed very fast. After 2 weeks of taking it slowly, I felt back to normal, scars were healing well (they had been glued) and eating was back to normal.
I also had a post- op appointment with Mr. Madhok 6 weeks later, to see how I was progressing.
I can honestly say, without any hesitation, that I would wholly recommend Mr. Madhok to anyone who is looking to have surgery. I wished I had done this earlier! Mr Madhok is a true professional, diligent and an approachable consultant. He goes above and beyond to ensure that you are happy. What was a very worrying time for me, actually turned out to be a pleasant experience. I consider myself very lucky to have had him as my consultant and surgeon.
Once again, thank you!
Keyhole Hernia Repair Patient
The surgery went very smoothly and I was back in my hospital room within a couple of hours. Pain relief medication was given to me but in all honesty I was in very little discomfort and within about 3 hours I was discharged to go home.
I had a little bruising and three very small incisions from the surgery and although I was a little sore for a couple of days I recovered remarkably quickly. By day 4 or 5 I had virtually no discomfort and I had to keep reminding myself I had just had surgery. The wounds were glued rather than stitched and they healed very quickly, without any weeping and without the need for any stitches to be removed.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Mr Madhok to anyone who is considering such a procedure